10 months ago

The Reducing the impact of climate change on health (RELIC – Sante) project will be implemented in 30 localities in Côte d'Ivoire for three (03) years. This project in its operational phase will mainly rely on community-based organizations (CBOs) and will integrate all other structures at the local level.

The project will be implemented through 5 key strategies: (a) evidence production, (b) community mobilization, (c) awareness raising, (d) capacity building of community system actors and (e) strengthening strategic partnership and advocacy.

Finally, the sustainability of the project will be ensured through the local mechanisms for monitoring and responding to diseases sensitive to climate change which the communities will now have at their disposal. In addition, the project will contribute to improving health indicators and strengthening population productivity and awareness as well as citizen participation.




Contribute to the 25% reduction in the incidence of diseases sensitive to climate change (malaria, diarrheal diseases, respiratory diseases) in 30 localities in 10 health districts of Côte d'Ivoire by 2026.

  • Strengthen the community surveillance and response system for diseases sensitive to climate change (malaria, diarrheal diseases, respiratory diseases) in 30 localities by 2026,
  • Intensify communication for social and behavioral change to adopt citizen awareness of improving the health of communities in the 30 localities by 2026,
  • Increase citizen commitment to the promotion, protection and sanitation of the environment to ensure the fight against diseases sensitive to climate change (malaria, diarrheal diseases) in the 30 localities by 2026,
  • Ensure the coordination of RELIC Health project activities.



The RELIC – SANTE project will enable beneficiary communities to:

  • Have a strengthened community surveillance and response system for diseases sensitive to climate change to respond preventively and curatively in each of the 30 project localities;
  • Adopt attitudes that contribute to improving their health (targeted objective: 50% of people aged 15 and over in 30 localities) and
  • Actively participate in reducing the incidence of diseases sensitive to climate change (target objective: 100% of OBCs and community leaders in the 30 localities).



  • Three (03) years



The implementation of the project will be carried out with the assistance and for the benefit of the actors of the following 30 project localities:

  • Populations ;
  • Community-based organizations (CBOs);
  • Community leaders;
  • Health providers.



30 localities from the following 10 health districts:

  • Zone 1: Anyama, Dabou, Grand Lahou, Jacqueville;
  • Zone 2: Bouaké North-East, Bouaké North-West, Bouaké South;
  • Zone 3: Tiébissou, Toumodi, Yamoussoukro.



  1. Community Mobilization
  • Carry out the mapping of the associative groups of the different localities covered by the project;
  • Ensure the revitalization of these associative groups by integrating issues of adaptation to climate change into the planning and implementation of their activities
  1. Production of evidence
  • Conduct a review of key health policies/programs intended for communities in ortoss the situation of integrating the issue of adaptation to climate change into these programs;
  • Carry out evaluations (initial and final) to assess key indicators at the start and end of the project;
  • Support the production of scientific data by community stakeholders.
  1. Sensitization
  • Organize awareness campaigns for communities in the different localities covered by the project;
  • Develop and disseminate tools and information on the impact of climate change on health and means of adaptation.
  1. Capacity building of community system actors
  • Organize training sessions for OBCs;
  • Develop tools for use by communities and CBOs for better adaptation to the consequences of climate change.